Stability Through Exercise
Falls resulting in injuries are on the rise, not just due to an aging populace but also from our increasingly sedentary ways of life. Even routine gym sessions are not enough as a standalone solution to prevent injuries and mitigate their severity. Helpfully, coordination and balance enhanced by regular exercises, as highlighted by IsoTone – ( – will also work towards reducing the chances of accidental falls, and injuries.
Strong Muscles and Bones
Another plus of regular, and rigorous exercises – strong muscles and healthy bones conditioned – – to handle the stress of falls preventing or minimizing injuries.
Bones, an Organ
Often overlooked is the fact that bones are indeed an organ system, complete with their own blood supply that delivers essential nutrients and minerals, Engaging in regular physical activity promotes circulation throughout the entire body, bones included. And healthy bones are hard to break in falls!
Exercise. Exercise. Exercise.
With IsoTone, the variety of exercises that will maintain muscle and bone health is as broad as your creativity allows. You can find inspiration on our exercise page, While any form of physical activity contributes to fall prevention, the IsoTone’s exceptional portability – it easily fits in a purse – enables smooth incorporation of exercise into any setting, be it at home or in the office.