Scenario: Stranding in Freezing Cold.
You travel in a car through freezing weather. Your car simply stops working or, worse, it happens due to an accident. In a few minutes, the temperature in the car drops to single digits. How long can you stay warm enough? How can you warm up yourself? By exercising, of course. But getting out of the car to do jumping jacks may not be working since most of the heat you generate will be quickly gone with the wind…
SOLUTION: grab your IsoTone and start pumping. The movements are very small, while the load is high, and the heat stays within your body and inside the car. A win-win.
DETAIL: Keep IsoTone under your upper clothes while exercising. That will prevent the heat accumulated in the IsoTone from escaping: it gets hot as you exercise. Result: 100% utilization of your metabolism-produced internal bioenergy: your internal heat and IsoTone’s heat both working on keeping you warm. You will be OK as long as there is some food around to recharge you. And even after you run out of food, there will still be a lot of energy in your body ready to be burned: the fats stored in your body – the right time to put them to good use!
Numbers? See for yourself: Just the IsoTone will give you several watts of heat power. At least double that number to get your internal heating… And yes, it is worth becoming an athlete!
Bottom line: keep your IsoTone close wherever you go. Especially in the winter.
And outdoors all year round